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Arctic Highways – En del av årets ”Santa Fe Indian Market” 16-18 aug 2024

För 102:a gången arrangeras ”Santa Fe Indian Market”. Tre dagar då Santa Fe’s scener, parker och ”La Plaza” fylls med marknad, konst, dans, musik, mode, seminarier och diskussioner. Ett tusental konstnärer som tillhör den amerikanska ursprungsbefolkningen kommer varje år till detta klassiska arrangemang. I år är öppningen av Arctic Highways en del av programmet.   Thomas Colbengtson, Gunvor Guttorm och Britta Marakatt-Labba deltar i panelsamtal om utställningen. Stina Folkebrant och Sonya Kelliher-Combs finns med i programmet utanför Arctiv Highways.

Se hela programmet nedan. Punkter som berör Arctic Highways och andra svenska insatser med fet stil.

Friday, August 16th

IAIA Alumni and Student Pop-Ups
Museum Store, 9:00 am–5:00 pm
Shop Exclusive collections from four IAIA alumni and student artists, from a wide variety of disciplines. Nicole Lawe ’16 (Karuk) – Jewelry; Brian Taaffe ’23 (Taos Pueblo) – Paintings; Ienenharihshon Thompson (Mohawk) – Beadwork; Preston Johnson (Dine) – Jewelry and Lapidary Work

Arctic Highways: Unbounded Indigenous People and Common Thread: Indigenous Perspectives from the Arctic
Galleries, 4:00–5:00 pm Members Preview. 5:00–7:00 pm Public Preview.
A special reception celebrating the two new exhibitions, Arctic Highways, featuring multidisciplinary works by Indigenous artists from Sápmi. And Common Thread, this works examines the connection to place, the natural world, and the artists communities. RSVP is required for members only preview. To become a member contact Nuttaphol Ma at (505) 428-5925 or at

Saturday, August 17th

Breakfast in the Park
Allan Houser Art Park, 7:00 am–9:00 am
Breakfast for members and special guests in partnership with the National Museum of the American Indian.

IAIA Student and Recent Graduate Art Market
Portal, 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Meet the hottest emerging artists in Santa Fe! Managed by the IAIA Museum Club, booth fees support the student club’s extracurricular activities for the upcoming academic year.

Shannon Hooper—Numu, Newe “The People”
Lloyd Kiva New Gallery in Museum Store, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

The works combine traditional and contemporary Native arts through drawings, paintings, photography, screen printing, textiles, Paiute and Shoshone attire, and Paiute beaded collars, honoring historical cultural knowledge up to the present day.

IAIA Alumni and Student Pop-Ups
Museum Store, 9:00 am–5:00 pm
Shop Exclusive collections from four IAIA alumni and student artists, from a wide variety of disciplines. Nicole Lawe ’16 (Karuk) – Jewelry; Brian Taaffe ’23 (Taos Pueblo) – Paintings; Ienenharihshon Thompson (Mohawk) – Beadwork; Preston Johnson (Dine) – Jewelry and Lapidary Work 1

Arctic Highways—Panel Conversation with Artists and Co-Curators Thomas Colbengtson (Sámi, Sweden), Gunvor Guttorm (Sámi, Norway), and Britta Marakatt-Labba (Sámi, Sweden)
Allan Houser Art Park 9:15–10:15 am
Panel conversation featuring contemporary Sámi artists. Moderated by MoCNA Chief Curator Manuela Well-Off-Man, co-curators Thomas Colbengtson (Sámi, Sweden), Gunvor Guttorm (Sámi, Norway), and Britta Marakatt-Labba (Sámi, Sweden). The panel will explore artistic practices and themes of the exhibition, including political borders, land loss, threats to the environment, and cultural and language preservation.

Common Thread—Artist Demonstration
Allan Houser Art Park, 11:00 am–12:00 pm
Melissa Shaginoff (Ahtna and Paiute) ’15 will perform, teach, and share her poem, Moose Hide Love. Afterward,she will engage the audience in a conversation and demonstration about her work with tanning hides. Shaginoff’s work in the Common Thread exhibition is a video installation curated by Sonya Kelliher-Combs (Iñupiaq and Athabaskan).

Okhúwa Munu: A Dialogue Between Cultures and Nature—A Conversation Between Mural Artists David Naranjo (Santa Clara Pueblo) and Stina Folkebrant (Swedish) Allan Houser Art Park 1:30–2:30 pm
This conversation between Santa Clara Pueblo Artist David Naranjo (IAIA alum ‘2017) and Swedish Painter Stina Folkebrant delves into the collaborative process of creating their mural Okhúwa Munu: A Dialogue Between Cultures and Nature (on view at MoCNA’s 1st floor Hallway Gallery.)

MoCNA Portal Columns—Discussion with the Artists
Allan Houser Art Park, 3:00–4:00 pm
Learn more about the inspiration behind each artist’s own work and the collaborative vision between MoCNA and the six artists representing the face of MoCNA on the theme of Land and Identity. Artists include Brian Taffee (Taos Pueblo) 23’, Haley Greenfeather English (Turtle Mountain Chippewa and Red Lake Nation) ‘18, Topaz Jones McCoy (Western Shoshone, Kalapuya, Molalla, and Lummi) ‘11’, Robyn Tsinnajinnie (Diné) ‘20, Eliza Naranjo-Morse (Kha’p’o Owingeh; Santa Clara Pueblo), and Heidi Brandow (Diné, Kanaka Maoli) ‘13.

Sunday, August 18th

IAIA Student and Recent Graduate
Art Market Portal
8:00 am–5:00 pm
Meet the hottest emerging artists in Santa Fe! Managed by the IAIA Museum Club, booth fees support the student club’s extracurricular activities for the upcoming academic year.

Shannon Hooper—Numu, Newe “The People”
Lloyd Kiva New Gallery in Museum Store, 9:00 am–5:00 pm
The works combine traditional and contemporary Native arts through drawings, paintings, photography, screen printing, textiles, Paiute and Shoshone attire, and Paiute beaded collars, honoring historical cultural knowledge up to the present day.

IAIA Alumni and Student Pop-Ups
Museum Store, 9:00 am–5:00 pm
Shop Exclusive collections from four IAIA alumni and student artists, from a wide variety of disciplines. Nicole Lawe ’16 (Karuk) – Jewelry; Brian Taaffe ’23 (Taos Pueblo) – Paintings; Ienenharihshon Thompson (Mohawk) – Beadwork; Preston Johnson (Dine) – Jewelry and Lapidary Work

IAIA Research Center for Contemporary Native Arts—Discussion with IAIA Staff
Allan Houser Art Park, 10:00–11:00 am
Join us for a panel discussion featuring the team leaders of this mission and learn about their efforts in advancing scholarship, discourse, and artistic production in contemporary Native Art. Moderated by IAIA RCCNA Director Mary Deleary, PhD (Chippewas of the Thames First Nation), the panel includes Felipe Colón (Laguna Pueblo), IAIA Provost; Tatiana Lomahaftewa-Singer (Choctaw/Hopi), MoCNA Curator of Collections; Ryan Flahive, IAIA Archivist; and Angelica Gallegos, IAIA Artist in Residence Manager.

IAIA MFA in Creative Writing—Reading and Panel Discussion
Allan Houser Art Park, 1:00–2:30 pm
Reading and Discussion Panel with Creative Writing (MFA) Director Deborah Taffa and Jamie Figueroa in sharing excerpts from their recent memoirs, Whiskey Tender (Taffa) and Mother Island: A Daughter Claims Puerto Rico (Figueroa)

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