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Nu reser Arctic Highways över Atlanten till Snåsa och Steinkjer i Norge. Öppnar den 19:e juni 2025

Den 2:a mars avslutas utställningsperioden i Santa Fe, New Mexico hos IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (MoCNA).

Museets kurator Manuela Well-Off-Man berättar att  konstutställningen gjort ett stort avtryck:

”We are honored to have had the opportunity to present this exhibition at MoCNA and are deeply grateful for the collaboration that made it possible. Thank you for bringing these powerful voices and narratives to our audience!

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the organizers of Arctic Highways for sharing this remarkable exhibition with MoCNA. Since its opening, the show MoCNA has welcomed over 13,000 visitors. Guests from near and far have engaged deeply with the exhibition, with strong attendance from out-of-state visitors.

We have received an overwhelming number of positive responses, with many visitors sharing that this was their first time encountering artworks by Sámi artists and expressing surprise at its connections to other artistic traditions they are familiar with and similarities to challenges Native American communities face. Others have spoken of the joy of seeing their own heritage represented in an exhibition, while many have expressed a keen interest in learning more about Sámi culture and finding ways to offer support.

Additionally, Arctic Highways has resonated beyond the gallery walls—our exhibition catalog has been a major success.”

Vandringsutställningens nästa stopp blir i Norge.

I ett samarbete mellan Saemien Sijte i Snåsa och Steinkjer kulturhus visas konstutställningen Arctic Highways från fredag den 19:e juni 2025. Steinkjer ligger några mil norr om Trondheim och Snåsa ytterligare några mil norrut.

Mer information kommer under våren.

Saemien Sijtes hemsida hittar du HÄR

Steinkjer kulturhus hemsida hittar du HÄR

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